Wiley Johnson

Wiley Johnson

Raleigh, NC

“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” - Vincent Van Gogh

Receiving a gift from his neighbor of a disappearing Van Gogh toy at his fifth grade birthday party began Wiley’s (he/him/his) life-long interest in art and museums. Art became the way Wiley copes with the challenges of living with Autism Spectrum Disorder, learning, and finding stable employment. The first time he was invited to enter an art call, Wiley was ecstatic and amazed that “someone thought a painting I created was beautiful!” In 2011, his only sibling Zach was killed in a motorcycle accident which “knocked the wind out of [Wiley’s] sails”. He wasn’t able to paint for a while but gradually discovered that painting helped him cope with his grief, the same way painting helps him through the day to day. Once again, painting allowed him to find a happier place. 

Years ago, he was hospitalized for depression which is hard for him to talk about but he hopes to share his experience with others who struggle. “Your life can get better, but it requires you to think about the things you can change and to work to make those changes one at a time. That’s what I’ve learned,” Wiley says.  

Typically, Wiley paints with acrylic on canvas but likes to paint small wooden crafts too, enjoying the way acrylic flows off the paintbrush. The act of creating is tied to his mood, and he’s not always able to access an expressive mindset. He works on a piece in multiple sittings, revisiting the canvas until he decides how to finish. 

Engaging with arts organizations and building community has bolstered Wiley’s art career, confidence, and imagination. As a member of  Art Space, Visual Art Exchange, Imurj, and The Artist Link Project of Art Access - these groups have offered opportunities for local exhibitions and art calls. Wiley shares, “being involved in art exhibitions connected me to new people and made my life more interesting.”  

ArtLifting connected with Wiley through Arts Access, the former VSA Affiliate in Raleigh, North Carolina. “I believe ArtLifting is the most promising opportunity of my life.” Wiley hopes to sell art to larger audiences which will secure him into the cycle of creating art which in turn creates his happiness. 

Beyond the Earth Print Wiley Johnson
Bleeding on the Universe Print Wiley Johnson
Burning Print Wiley Johnson
Character to a Peach Tree Print Wiley Johnson
Closer Print Wiley Johnson
Colors Intersect Print Wiley Johnson
Darkness Streams Print Wiley Johnson
Daylight Original Artwork Wiley Johnson
Dead Sun Print Wiley Johnson
Deep Thinking Print Wiley Johnson
Different Sides Print Wiley Johnson
Down into the Abyss Print Wiley Johnson
Dreams Print Wiley Johnson
Easter Colors Print Wiley Johnson
Far Away from Home Print Wiley Johnson
Field of Lilac Print Wiley Johnson
Gold Landing Print Wiley Johnson
Here and Now Print Wiley Johnson
Here and Now Original Artwork Wiley Johnson
Imagination Print Wiley Johnson
Imagination in Front of Pink Print Wiley Johnson
Knockout Print Wiley Johnson
Knockout Original Artwork Wiley Johnson
Life Print Wiley Johnson
Lines in Aqua Print Wiley Johnson
Lines to a Dead Sun Print Wiley Johnson
Peace Print Wiley Johnson
Plan in Centerview Original Artwork Wiley Johnson
Plan in Centerview Print Wiley Johnson
Plasma Print Wiley Johnson
River in the Sky Print Wiley Johnson
Say I Print Wiley Johnson
Shaded Heart Original Artwork Wiley Johnson
Streaks of Vibrance Print Wiley Johnson
Streaks of Vibrance Original Artwork Wiley Johnson
Streaming Cave Lines Print Wiley Johnson
The Changing Cycles Print Wiley Johnson
The Changing Cycles Original Artwork Wiley Johnson
The One Print Wiley Johnson
The Snake Arises Print Wiley Johnson
The Universe of Color Print Wiley Johnson
Tow One Print Wiley Johnson
Wild Fan Print Wiley Johnson
Wiley's Art Table Part 1 Print Wiley Johnson
Wiley's Art Table Part 2 Print Wiley Johnson