Elizabeth Belstraz

Elizabeth Belstraz


"Art-making is my best friend and my spiritual practice." 

Elizabeth Belstraz (she/her/hers) is a lifelong artist and graduate of The School of The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. For Elizabeth, art has become a particularly powerful practice during difficult times. She uses a variety of processes and materials to play with textures and colors that speak of different realities.

"Surviving challenges, including those in the areas of health and housing, has led me on a transformational journey through the arts. I love using diverse materials to make unseen social and spiritual realities visible!"

Elizabeth’s focus on the creative process leads her to different approaches for every piece. Her art methodology involves careful planning, and is inspired by various materials, a concept, an emotion, or a request for thematic work. Elizabeth works with liquid watercolors, inks, acrylic paints, pastels, wax, paper, used materials, pigments and minerals. Her art reflects inner psychological workings, spiritual concepts, emotions and feelings. They illustrate the beauty of nature, or commemorate cosmic and life events. She writes, "I like to add the pigments and minerals to the surface because to me, the shimmery surface evokes the etheric-spiritual aspect of art and life.”

Blessing Ritual Print Elizabeth Belstraz
Blue Bricks Print Elizabeth Belstraz
Blue Plaid Print Elizabeth Belstraz
Butterfly Plaid Print Elizabeth Belstraz
Catch Me If You Can Print Elizabeth Belstraz
Clowns Print Elizabeth Belstraz
Dreaming in Green Print Elizabeth Belstraz
Energy Chords Print Elizabeth Belstraz
Flight Print Elizabeth Belstraz
Happy Planet Print Elizabeth Belstraz
Night Cafe Print Elizabeth Belstraz
Soft Waves Print Elizabeth Belstraz
Storm Clouds #1 Print Elizabeth Belstraz
Storm Clouds #2 Print Elizabeth Belstraz
Storm Over Ocean Print Elizabeth Belstraz
The Weather #1 Print Elizabeth Belstraz
The Weather #2 Print Elizabeth Belstraz
The Weather #3 Print Elizabeth Belstraz
Untouched Print Elizabeth Belstraz
Watermark Print Elizabeth Belstraz