Michael Van Huffel

Michael Van Huffel

Santa Cruz, CA

I was in a tough state prior to this photography project. It brought an unexpected and deep relationship, and finally feeling productive again. Since I started, I feel much less like I am disappearing and it's given me much hope for a real future."

Michael Van Huffel (he/him/his) enjoyed a successful career as an artist, animator, Creative Director, and musician. His career got a jumpstart when he began working with the musician Prince, as a staff artist, and eventually Art Director. He also has also worked in motion design, TV and movies, and served as Creative Director for numerous projects in advertising and entertainment.

In 2007, Michael unexpectedly developed Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS) a devastating and poorly-understood neuroimmune condition. Michael began to face loss after loss. Unable to work and eventually housebound, his career, home, and the life he built were lost due to hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical co-pays. Life became very different and solitary. He relocated to a one-room studio outside San Francisco, and has been taking part in the largest-yet studies on his disease at Stanford. That room became his de-facto art studio.

Michael describes that his life for 8 years turned into an isolated existence, that most relationships had become virtual, except for home infusion nurses and very occasional visitors. The most recent transformation in his art career, and what you see featured on ArtLifting, occurred when he received an iPhone on a family plan, and an artist friend suggested they start a photo-a-day project. Michael describes that “this became a search to find beautiful or interesting things within an apartment that had only been accumulating painful associations using numerous physical and technical limitations as a means to a unique style and meaning. This also unexpectedly led to a relationship, a partner—something that had long seemed a lost part of life.” 

In this past few years, his life has welcomed big changes and transitions. He got married and relocated to Santa Cruz. Michael can occasionally get outside for short walks and is now close to a lot of natural beauty. Nearly all of the photos use things he collects while outdoors. He then brings the objects, whatever they may be, back to photograph when he is feeling well enough. The photos are often expressionistic—an attempt to make things look like something other than what they are—such as paintings, sea creatures, or landscapes. He aims to convey emotions and feelings and for viewers to see and find interesting corners of his world. 

To learn more about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS), please visit the Open Medicine Foundation and follow the groundbreaking study mentioned in Michael’s bio. In addition, see the multiple award-winning documentary, Unrest, created by a woman living with the disease. 

Drifting Print Michael Van Huffel
Drukpa K Print Michael Van Huffel
Earth Print Michael Van Huffel
East Print Michael Van Huffel
Einstein's Hairdo Print Michael Van Huffel
Elements Print Michael Van Huffel
Entropy, Hi! Print Michael Van Huffel
Etched in Water and Stormy Light Print Michael Van Huffel
Europa Print Michael Van Huffel
Everything Was Illuminated Print Michael Van Huffel
Expedition Print Michael Van Huffel
Eye of Newt Print Michael Van Huffel
Fan Out Print Michael Van Huffel
Filaments Print Michael Van Huffel
Flight Print Michael Van Huffel
Frayed Print Michael Van Huffel
Frogtown Print Michael Van Huffel
Gathering Print Michael Van Huffel
Glamorous Print Michael Van Huffel
Grasses Print Michael Van Huffel
Gravitational Lens Print Michael Van Huffel
Gravity Print Michael Van Huffel
Guess Print Michael Van Huffel
Hai-an Range Print Michael Van Huffel
Heritage Curves Print Michael Van Huffel
Hidden Beach Print Michael Van Huffel
Hidden Treasures Print Michael Van Huffel
Houdini Print Michael Van Huffel
How It All Starts Print Michael Van Huffel
Hummingbirds Print Michael Van Huffel
I Had to Go Over There Print Michael Van Huffel
I'd Like to See Japan Print Michael Van Huffel
I'm Not Groot Print Michael Van Huffel
In One? Is All Print Michael Van Huffel
In Slow Motion Print Michael Van Huffel
Industry Print Michael Van Huffel
Intersection(s) Print Michael Van Huffel
Intertwined Print Michael Van Huffel
Into and Under Print Michael Van Huffel
Into the Deep Print Michael Van Huffel
Invaders Print Michael Van Huffel
It Looked Better Like this Print Michael Van Huffel
It's All Here Print Michael Van Huffel
Jellyfishus Apartmentus Print Michael Van Huffel
King Tide Print Michael Van Huffel
Lake Shore Print Michael Van Huffel
Lake Tahoe Sunset Print Michael Van Huffel
Lake, Mountain and Sky Print Michael Van Huffel
Larissa Print Michael Van Huffel
Lavender Martini Print Michael Van Huffel
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