Worlds Within the Margin III

Brandon Allebach

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"An elevated concept of the demo piece "The Creation", this three panel painting celebrates our transcendence into the digital age. Like an egg opening, the "play" button reveals a birth of chaos and beauty in harmonized balance. I began the painting with a sketched out geometric backdrop, and interlocked shapes and lines - uniting them together with symmetry and depth. Digital circuitry and symbols ornate the piece (a "play button" and "pause button" in center, wifi symbol and "waves" of energy). I stuck with neutral colors (black white brown green blue)- natural colors for an inorganic theme. The sides are painted, and designs interlock between each canvas."

- Brandon Allebach

Prints are produced on demand on stretched canvas, acrylic plexi, or giclee fine art paper in a variety of sizes here in the United States.

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Brandon Allebach

Albuquerque, NM

“One lesson I learned through art is to be patient and loving with myself. The desire to be an artist early in life was made hard by accepting the flaws that come with learning how to paint. One broader lesson in life learned was self discipline. It's important to set goals and work hard for what's important.”

Brandon (he/him/his) is a deeply introspective artist who works everyday to refine his practice. He lived in Seattle, Washington for eighteen years, then moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico where he has lived ever since. Speaking on his journey with art, Brandon explains, “I began making art as a child to play and imagine. As a teenager it bled out as an expressive force. As a young man I made art to make a name for myself. Now [at age] 36, I make art to sustain my family.”

Juggling and fusing three styles: southwest, abstract, and cubism, Brandon makes pieces that are distinct and alluring. He gravitates towards sharp lines, depth, and intensity of color. Sometimes he starts painting unconsciously by seeing lines in the gesso layer, while other paintings require months of introspection before sketching the idea onto a canvas. His large acrylic paintings can take up to a month to complete. Living with Holt Oram syndrome, which affects the use of his hands and arms, creates different challenges when painting, but Brandon adapts and perseveres.

“The need to be creative has created a space in life I can exist in, a safe space of thought and feelings. Creativity is most active when I am at play and rest, where ideas arise and are meditated on through everyday life. Having these ideas arise, grow, and become a tangible piece of art allows me to face broader challenges, because I am constantly meditating on my sense of inner self and growing in the process.”

Brandon describes catharsis, the ability to look at the past and heal from pain through art, as his main inspiration. In this way, he uses creation as a vehicle for personal growth. Through art, Brandon shares, “I learned that I am a perfectionist. I learned that I am not perfect. I learned that people don't see the flaws I see. I learned that I'm good enough for me.”

Brandon enjoys being a part of the artist community. “I love the originality and uniqueness that every artist gives, and that everyone has a talent,” he explains. He hopes to continue improving his career and providing for his loved ones. When he’s not painting, he likes to play guitar and spend time with family.

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OKAY brandon-allebach

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Mechanical Southwest
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Sandia Diptych 1
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The Creation II
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The Creation III
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Worlds Within the Margin I
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Worlds Within the Margin II
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Worlds Within the Margin III
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Originals by Brandon Allebach

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Carved Paths
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Contemporary Southwest
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Dialogue of the Stars
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Discerning the Absolutes
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In Plain View
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Living in a Dream
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Mechanical Southwest
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Still Waters
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Behind Space
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Behind Space
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Carved Paths
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Carved Paths 1
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Carved Paths 2
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Carved Paths 3
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Dialogue of the Stars
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ArtLifting champions artists impacted by disabilities and housing insecurity by connecting their art with socially-conscious customers . Learn more here.