
Vivid India Ink colors are the background for a favorite grid-style design with each section detailing a personal memory of Bonanno's that most often contains traffic lights, toilets, lighthouses, and silos, things that an autistic mind finds fascinating mostly due to shapes and/or locations. All memories remain fresh to this artist, and often don't age with the passing years.

Vito was speech delayed and the grid style was used by educators to help him write out how he was feeling, a technique that became embedded in his aesthetic and one he revisits often. The result is a charming and engaging story grid of intriguing images to fuel the imagination of the observer while playful colors lighten the soul.

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Prayers Riding the Thermals Original Artwork Cheryl Kinderknecht

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Temple Print Jeff Diener
Artwork: Prayers Riding the Thermals by Cheryl Kinderknecht, Temple by Jeff Diener