Mountains Under the Stars

"In 2/22 I had hip replacement surgery. Recovery was harder than I expected and impacted my self image and mental state. For a few months I lost mobility, and it hit my self esteem. I didn't know who I have become without the ability to run, exercise, walk, even get into my own clothing. The style of the painting is simple due to my lack of mobility. Even twisting a little bit had painful effect for days. Surprisingly whoe I was painting it there was no pain, only when I stop... We went to visit friends in CT. They lit a fire in their backyard. It was magical and healing. Stars were mixing with the fire, mountain shadow was a silent witness and guard. So mesmerizing and healing."

- Aneliya Kostova

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Temple - ArtLifting

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Prayers Riding the Thermals - ArtLifting
Artwork: Prayers Riding the Thermals by Cheryl Kinderknecht, Temple by Jeff Diener