Aneliya Kostova

Aneliya Kostova

New York City, NY

“We all need art in our lives. Art is how we dress. Art is how we apply makeup or make our hair, nails. Art is how we move; art is everywhere. I dream of world with harmony and peace, kindness and compassion. A perfect world where people love and respect each other. No hunger or poverty, kids growing without knowing lack, in loving environment, lifting their little spirits up. My art is little piece of that dream.”

Aneliya Kostova (she/her/hers) was born in a small town in Bulgaria. She moved to New York City as a young adult and currently lives in the Bronx. She describes, “I moved to New York from another continent, just with a bag of clothes. I had to leave it all: my successful company, my family and friends, my education which didn’t matter here. I came to chase my dreams." Aneliya was diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression soon after she moved. Since moving to New York, she has embraced art as a way to cope with her feelings. She says, “I love drawing and have dreams about paintings. Sometimes verbal communication is not enough to express your feelings; art is the best way for me to do so."

Aneliya has three children and holds  a PhD in health care administration, which she describes as her most significant life accomplishment. She works as a Community Liaison in North Central Bronx Hospital and feels rewarded that she gets to give back to her community. She loves to swim, garden, walk, run, and explore the neighborhoods of New York City.

“Being part of ArtLifting is a life-changing event for me. It gives me sense of belonging somewhere where I am accepted as who I am. Being approved made me so happy, I did some new drawing just to express that overwhelming feeling. I hope our viewers take some of that inner peace I am trying to give.” - Aneliya

African Roads Print Aneliya Kostova
Airy Harmony of Two Print Aneliya Kostova
Angels Playing Original Artwork Aneliya Kostova
Angels Playing Print Aneliya Kostova
Between East and West Print Aneliya Kostova
Cactus Print Aneliya Kostova
Cat Knife Print Aneliya Kostova
Choices Original Artwork Aneliya Kostova
Choices Print Aneliya Kostova
Collaboration 1 Original Artwork Aneliya Kostova
Collaboration 2 Original Artwork Aneliya Kostova
Connect Original Artwork Aneliya Kostova
Construction Print Aneliya Kostova
Coral Blossom Print Aneliya Kostova
Crying Tree Print Aneliya Kostova
Crying Tree Original Artwork Aneliya Kostova
Deep Print Aneliya Kostova
Doors of Circus Print Aneliya Kostova
Dorado Print Aneliya Kostova
Drought Print Aneliya Kostova
Drought Original Artwork Aneliya Kostova
Erupting from Ashes Original Artwork Aneliya Kostova
Erupting from the Ashes Print Aneliya Kostova
Fall 1 Print Aneliya Kostova
Fall 2 Print Aneliya Kostova
Fall 3 Print Aneliya Kostova
Fantasies of an Introvert Print Aneliya Kostova
Flying Hydrangeas Print Aneliya Kostova
Flying Hydrangenias Original Artwork Aneliya Kostova
Forgiveness Print Aneliya Kostova
Formation Print Aneliya Kostova
Future Is Inclusive 1 & 2 Original Artwork Aneliya Kostova
Garden of Gems 1 Print Aneliya Kostova
Garden of Gems 2 Print Aneliya Kostova
Glass on Fire Print Aneliya Kostova
Golden Sand Original Artwork Aneliya Kostova
Harmony of United Color Print Aneliya Kostova
Harmony of United Colors Original Artwork Aneliya Kostova
Hyacinth Original Artwork Aneliya Kostova
Hyacinth Print Aneliya Kostova
Ice Storm Original Artwork Aneliya Kostova
Ice Storm Print Aneliya Kostova
Imitation Print Aneliya Kostova
Leaves for the Tortoise Print Aneliya Kostova
Letting Go Original Artwork Aneliya Kostova
Letting Go Print Aneliya Kostova
Long Crawling to the Night Print Aneliya Kostova
Looking For Home Print Aneliya Kostova
Memories of Puerto Rico Print Aneliya Kostova
Migration Print Aneliya Kostova
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