Jude Chase
Springfield, VA
"In 2010 I suffered a traumatic brain injury and was in a coma. Before the injury, I was Lead Clerk in the IT Department at Contra Costa Elections Dept in CA. When I woke from the coma, I didn't know how to turn on a computer. I did, however, remember how to paint and draw."
Jude has spent recent years taking painting classes, moving around the country, and learning how to use her brain again after her coma. Formerly living in Bethlehem, PA, Jude displayed work at the Epic Church Art Gallery. She took a watercolor class at the Art Establishment in Fountain Hill, and taught acrylic painting once a month to a group of five women. Now in Springfield, VA, Jude is looking to connect and inspire a new community of women and artists.
Jude has been creating various types of art since the 1970s. She has used oil, acrylic, and watercolor paints in addition to creating jewelry with glass fusing. In Tucson, AZ, she connected with a painting group, Creative Juice, which helped her creativity flow. Since moving to Bethlehem, Jude discovered that she likes teaching art.