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Blue Windows
Original Artwork
Elvira LaMontagne
Writers Allegory
Cameron Meek
Cracked Earth #28
Kari Souders
Urban Radians
Travelers 4
Christina Culverhouse
Travelers 3
My Days
Aneliya Kostova
Rick Ruark
Beauty Infinity
Kennedy Nganga
The Workplace
Life is a Mystery
Abstract Feelings
Beauty in Difference 2
Cool Rolling Melodies
Dazzling Movement
Locked in Beauty
Beauty with Various Dimensions
Boundless VI
Lindsey Holcomb
Boundless V
Boundless II
Boundless I
Jeff Powers
Me, You, and the Moon
Alicia Sterling Beach
Large Sunset
Christina Constantine
Large Pastoral
Large Mosaic CA Scape
Large Cretan Scape on Canvas
Windows Within
Quána Madison
Juan Bonilla
Multitudes in the Valley of Decision
How's It Going to End
Transparent Intersection on Aqua
Axonometric Intersection